Magazine Articles |
A. Klisnick. (2010). 50 ans du laser : Le laser aux extrémités du spectre : le laser X. Photoniques, 46, 52.
Peer-reviewed Publications |
Atabek, O., & Lefebvre, R. (2010). Laser Control of Vibrational Transfer Based on Exceptional Points†. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 114, 3031.
Dowek, D., Perez-Torres, J. F., Picard, Y. J., Billaud, P., Elkharrat, C., Houver, J. C., Sanz-Vicario, J. L., & Martin, F. (2010). Circular Dichroism in Photoionization of H-2. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 104(23), 233003.
Résumé: Circular dichroism is a consequence of chirality. However, nonchiral molecules can also exhibit it when the measurement itself introduces chirality, e. g., when measuring molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions. The few such experiments performed on homonuclear diatomic molecules show that, as expected, circular dichroism vanishes when the molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions are integrated over the polar electron emission angle. Here we show that this is not the case in resonant dissociative ionization of H-2 for photons of 30-35 eV, which is the consequence of the delayed ionization from molecular doubly excited states into ionic states of different inversion symmetry.
Elkharrat, C., Picard, Y. J., Billaud, P., Cornaggia, C., Garzella, D., Perdrix, M., Houver, J. C., Lucchese, R. R., & Dowek, D. (2010). Ion Pair Formation in Multiphoton Excitation of NO2 Using Linearly and Circularly Polarized Femtosecond Light Pulses: Kinetic Energy Distribution and Fragment Recoil Anisotropy (vol 114A, pg 9902, 2010). JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 114(50), 13288.
Grum-Grzhimailo, A. N., Cubaynes, D., Heinecke, E., Hoffmann, P., Zimmermann, P., & Meyer, M. (2010). Generalized geometrical model for photoionization of polarized atoms: II. Magnetic dichroism in the 3p photoemission from the K 3p(6)4s S-2(1/2) ground state. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 43(20), 201002.
Résumé: The generalized geometrical model for photoionization from polarized atoms is extended to include mixing of configurations in the initial atomic and/or the final photoion states. The theoretical results for angle-resolved linear and circular magnetic dichroism are in good agreement with new high-resolution photoelectron data for 3p(-1) photoionization of potassium atoms polarized in the K 3p(6)4s S-2(1/2) ground state by laser optical pumping.
Guilbaud, O., Tissandier, F., Goddet, J. - P., Ribiere, M., Sebban, S., Gautier, J., Joyeux, D., Ros, D., Cassou, K., Kazamias, S., Klisnick, A., Habib, J., Zeitoun, P., Benredjem, D., Mocek, T., Nedjl, J., de Rossi, S., Maynard, G., Cros, B., Boudaa, A., & Calisti, A. (2010). Fourier-limited seeded soft x-ray laser pulse. OPTICS LETTERS, 35(9), 1326–1328.
Résumé: We present what we believe to be the first measurement of the spectral properties of a soft x-ray laser seeded by a high-order harmonic beam. Using an interferometric method, the spectral profile of a seeded Ni-like krypton soft x-ray laser (32.8 nm) generated by optical field ionization has been experimentally determined, and the shortest possible pulse duration has been deduced. The source exhibits a Voigt spectral profile with an FWHM of 3.1+/-0.3 m angstrom, leading to a Fourier-transform pulse duration of 4.7 ps. This value is comparable with the upper limit of the soft x-ray pulse duration determined by experimentally investigating the gain dynamics, from which we conclude that the source has reached the Fourier limit. The measured bandwidth is in good agreement with the predictions of a radiative transfer code, including gain line narrowing and saturation rebroadening. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Jaouadi, A., Gaaloul, N., Viaris de Lesegno, B., Telmini, M., Pruvost, L., & Charron, E. (2010). Bose-Einstein condensation in dark power-law laser traps. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 82, 023613.
Lahmam-Bennani, A., Casagrande, E. M. S., Naja, A., Dal Cappello, C., & Bolognesi, P. (2010). Predominance of the second-order, two-step mechanism in the electron impact double ionization of helium at intermediate impact energy. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 43(10), 105201.
Résumé: The (e,3-1e) four-fold differential cross sections (4DCS) are measured for the double ionization of helium in coplanar asymmetric geometry for a wide range of ejected electron energies and at an incident energy of about 600 eV. The experimental angular distributions of the 4DCS are characterized by large angular shifts of the forward and backward lobes with respect to the momentum transfer direction or its opposite, respectively. This validates our previously published results (Lahmam-Bennani et al 2002 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35 L59) which were questioned by Gotz et al (2003 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36 L77). A qualitative, kinematical analysis is given which allows relating these shifts and the observed structures in the intensity distributions to the second-order, 'two-step 2' double ionization mechanism, which is shown to predominate over the first-order 'shake-off' and 'two-step 1' mechanisms under the present kinematics.
Lefebvre, R., & Atabek, O. (2010). Exceptional points in multichannel resonance quantization. The European Physical Journal D, 56, 317.
Meyer, M., Cubaynes, D., Dardis, J., Hayden, P., Hough, P., Richardson, V., Kennedy, E. T., Costello, J. T., Duesterer, S., Li, W. B., Radcliffe, P., Redlin, H., Feldhaus, J., Strakhova, S. I., Gryzlova, E. V., Grum-Grzhimailo, A. N., Taieb, R., & Maquete, A. (2010). Two-color experiments in the gas phase at FLASH. JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA, 181(2-3), 111–115.
Résumé: Intense ultra-short XUV-pulses from the Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) were used in combination with the synchronized near-infrared (NIR) radiation from a femtosecond laser to perform two-color experiments on rare gas atoms and small molecules. Results of atomic photoionization in the presence of a NIR dressing field are presented and discussed for the low field regime, i.e. for intensities of less than 10(11) W/cm(2). In particular, the analysis of two-color Above Threshold Ionization (ATI) as a function of the relative orientation of the polarization vectors of both photon beams provided detailed information about the partial photoionization crosssections by comparing the experimental results with theoretical values obtained by employing second-order perturbation theory and the “soft-photon” approximation. Furthermore, a first time-resolved study was performed on the photodissociation of molecular hydrogen. In this proof-of-principle experiment, the excited atomic fragments, produced in the primary interaction with the intense XUV pulse, are probed by a time delayed NIR laser pulse that ionizes these fragments. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Meyer, M., Cubaynes, D., Richardson, V., Costello, J. T., Radcliffe, P., Li, W. B., Duesterer, S., Fritzsche, S., Mihelic, A., Papamihail, K. G., & Lambropoulos, P. (2010). Two-Photon Excitation and Relaxation of the 3d-4d Resonance in Atomic Kr. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 104(21), 213001.
Résumé: Two-photon excitation of a single-photon forbidden Auger resonance has been observed and investigated using the intense extreme ultraviolet radiation from the free electron laser in Hamburg. At the wavelength 26.9 nm (46 eV) two photons promoted a 3d core electron to the outer 4d shell. The subsequent Auger decay, as well as several nonlinear above threshold ionization processes, were studied by electron spectroscopy. The experimental data are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions and analysis of the underlying multiphoton processes.
R. Lefebvre and N. Moiseyev. (2010). Localization of exceptional points with Padé approximants. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 43, 095401.
R. Uzdin and R. Lefebvre. (2010). Finding and pinpointing exceptional points in open systems. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 43, 235004.
Richardson, V., Costello, J. T., Cubaynes, D., Dusterer, S., Feldhaus, J., van der Hart, H. W., Juranic, P., Li, W. B., Meyer, M., Richter, M., Sorokin, A. A., & Tiedke, K. (2010). Two-photon inner-shell ionization in the extreme ultraviolet. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 105(1), 013001.
Résumé: We have observed the simultaneous inner-shell absorption of two extreme-ultraviolet photons by a Xe atom in an experiment performed at the short-wavelength free electron laser facility FLASH. Photoelectron spectroscopy permitted us to unambiguously identify a feature resulting from the ionization of a single electron of the 4d subshell of Xe by two photons each of energy (931)eV. The feature's intensity has a quadratic dependence on the pulse energy. The results are discussed and interpreted within the framework of recent results of ion spectroscopy experiments of Xe obtained at ultrahigh irradiance in the extreme-ultraviolet regime.
Tissandier, F., Sebban, S., Ribiere, M., Gautier, J., Zeitoun, P., Lambert, G., Sardinha, A. B., Goddet, J. - P., Burgy, F., Lefrou, T., Valentin, C., Rousse, A., Guilbaud, O., Klisnick, A., Nejdl, J., Mocek, T., & Maynard, G. (2010). Observation of spectral gain narrowing in a high-order harmonic seeded soft-x-ray amplifier. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 81(6), 063833.
Résumé: We report an observation of spectral gain narrowing of a high-order harmonic amplified by a soft-x-ray optical-field-ionized plasma. The temporal coherence and spectral linewidth of both the seeded and unseeded soft-x-ray lasers were experimentally measured using a varying-path-difference interferometer. The results showed that the high-order harmonic is subject to a strong spectral narrowing during its propagation in the plasma amplifier without rebroadening at saturation. This is in good agreement with a radiative transfer calculation including gain narrowing and saturation rebroadening.
Actes de Conférences |
Alessi, D., Berrill, M., Wang, Y., Domingue, S. R., Martz, D., Luther, B. M., Meng, L., Guilbaud, O., Klisnick, A., & Rocca, J. J. (2010). Beam Characteristics of an Injection-Seeded Solid-Target Plasma Soft X-Ray Laser. In 2010 23RD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE IEEE PHOTONICS SOCIETY (pp. 341–342). IEEE.
Résumé: We have measured the near-field and far-field profiles (for lambda=13.9 nm) as well as temporal coherence (for lambda=18.9 nm) of injection-seeded and self-seeded solid-target amplifiers. The measurements were compared with model simulations.
Ros, D., Guilbaud, O., Kazamias, S., Pittmana, M., Lagron, J. - C., Zielbauer, B., Habib, J., Chambaret, J. - P., Mourou, G., Cassou, K., Cros, B., Maynard, G., Zeitoun, P., Sebban, S., Gautier, J., Klisnick, A., de Rossi, S., Jacquemot, S., Audebert, P., Zimmer, S. P. D., & Kuehl, T. (2010). LASERIX : a high-repetition-rate laser facility for performing intense XUV sources for applications. Perspectives for XUV sources in ILE and ELI projects. In LIGHT AT EXTREME INTENSITIES: OPPORTUNITIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL ISSUES OF THE EXTREME LIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE (Vol. 1228, pp. 421–434). AIP Conference Proceedings, 1228.
Résumé: In this paper we present the perspectives of the development of the XUV laser sources using High-power laser facilities. We focus our paper on the present statuts of the LASERIX facility and especially its role in the development of the XUV laser sources considering the French “Institut de la Lumiere Extreme” (I LE) and the potential European project Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI). Finally, we present one typical experiment performed in that context with the facility. It is dedicated to the fundamental study irradiation induced damage in DNA samples.