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Home > Research Teams > Nanomedicine and Biophotonics (NanoBio) > Imagerie de fluorescence à l’échelle nanoscopique pour la biologie complete english website
For most biological questions, it is essential to monitor in vivo and in real time the operation of the complex cellular machinery with extreme sensitivity and ultimate resolution. The fluorescence thus remains the tool of choice for specific monitoring in biology. Beyond imaging intensity to a specific location, fluorescence and its various spectrosopic properties can be used to locally probe its environment or reveal interactions. The photophysical properties of fluorophores are the basis of recent developments, which have enabled microscopy to turn into nanoscopy, exceeding the resolution limit imposed by diffraction, enabling the detection of single molecules with nanometer resolution. This level of resolution allows to consider the study of biological systems at a scale hitherto unprecedented in optical microscopy.
The developments of the team revolve around three axes which aims to correlate functional and structural 3D information into play in different biological problems.
* Fluorophores-plasmonic surfaces Interaction
These setups have been developed to provide different answers to challenging biological issues including neurobiological disease and for better understanding of the adhesion process and cell motility. A typical exmaple is on the interaction between APP and BACE1 and the role of cholesterol in the context of Alzheimer disease .
The team consists of Sandrine Leveque-Fort (researcher), Nicolas Bourg (PhD), So Young Bak (doctoral student in cotuelle), Ivan Hernandez-Coto (Post-doc), Clement Cabriel (student M2).
These projects are in collaboration with various laboratories: Biomedical Photonics Center(S. Lécart, G. Dupuis); [Langevin- Institute>] (E. Fort) for supercritical imaging and plasmonics; The ELSA Group LCFIO (Optics Institute) for laser; the CRICM (MC Potier), the Institut Curie (Team F. Saudou) and the team of Mr. Simonneau (ST Anne Hospital) for application in neurobiology; K. Suhling at the Department of Physics at King’s College (K. Sühling) for fluorescence anisotropy.
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