Section 04 "Atomes et molécules - Optique et lasers - Plasmas chauds"





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Mis à jour le 11/04/2024



Evaluation and recruitment criteria for the term 2008-2016    



This note is aimed primarily for researchers intending to apply for "chargé de recherche" (CR) or "directeur de recherche" (DR) positions within section 4 of the CNRS. It is a translation of selected passages of the page "Critères d'évaluation", which refer to our recruitment policies. The English text is only an excerpt, possibly imperfectly translated: the French text is to be considered definitive.
We recall here that a CR2 position corresponds to a junior Research associate position: a PhD is required, though in general a post-doctoral experience will also be expected. Candidates to a CR1 position are supposed to have additional research experience (at least 4 years); note that a candidate recruited at the CR2 level will need to wait a minimum of 4 years before seeking an internal promotion to the CR1 level. Candidates to a DR2 position are expected to be senior experienced researchers with group leading capabilities and experience. As the level of the position rises (DR1, DRCE) a scientific reputation going beyond a single field of research, as well as increasing evidence of innovation and of influencing the course of research, either by the actual direction of research teams and labs, or through far reaching ideas and proposals will be sought.


Common criteria

The quality and the originality of the candidate's scientific contributions play a key rôle. These contributions usually take the form of publications in refereed international journals, invited contributions to conferences or to give seminars.
We will also take into account other aspects of the candidate's research activity. These include efforts to disseminate scientific knowledge, patents and technology transfer, as well as organizational responsibilities.
Factors such as thematic or geographic mobility will also be favorably considered, insofar as it gives indications concerning the independence and the adaptability of the candidate.


Specific criteria

At the CR2 level

The most important criterion is intrinsic scientific quality because it determines the long term potential of the candidate. After that comes the quality and importance of the proposed research and the degree to which the candidate's qualities fit with the proposed research program.
Although we do not consider it to be an absolute necessity, we are in favor of "mobility" (scientists having worked in more than one lab and/or on more than one topic). We will favorably consider applications to a lab different from the one in which the candidate's doctoral work was carried out. Simultaneous applications to several CNRS laboratories are by no means discouraged.
At the CR1 level

In addition to the criteria mentioned for the CR2 level, we will assess the candidate's potential in terms of scientific autonomy, his/her ability to take initiatives.
At the DR2 level

We will seek evidence that the candidate has taken greater responsibilities in terms of group leadership, in supervising younger scientists, especially doctoral students, and in initiating new research projects. The international visibility and reputation of the candidate will also be considered.