Section 04 "Atomes et molécules - Optique et lasers - Plasmas chauds"





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Mis à jour le 11/04/2024



Recruitment criteria for CR and DR positions (2017-)

Version Française, please click

This note is intended for researchers applying for CR ("Chargé de Recherche") or DR ("Directeur de Recherche") CNRS positions in the section 04. It is a translation of the selection criteria detailed in the text "Critères d'évaluation". Candidates are invited to refer to this official document for further details. The goal of this translation is to help candidates prepare their application in the best possible conditions. It is intended to be sufficiently explicit, without being exhaustive: there is no standard profile for recruitment nor a single evaluation procedure. Note that CNRS researchers are full-time French civil servants who carry out scientific research. CR positions correspond to junior researchers for which a PhD is required and post-doctoral experience is expected. DR positions correspond to senior researchers with group leadership abilities and experience. See the official CNRS web pages.

Common criteria

The quality and novelty of the candidate's scientific contributions play a key role. These contributions usually take the form of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and oral contributions at conferences and seminars. Our evaluation also takes into account other aspects of the candidate's research activity such as teaching, training of Master and PhD students, dissemination of scientific knowledge, organizational responsibilities or patents and technology transfer. A significant change in research direction and/or geographic mobility are considered favorably in the assessment, although they are not an end in themselves.

CR specific criteria

The most important selection criterion is the scientific quality of the candidate since this determines his/her long-term potential. Second in importance, yet important still, is the quality of the proposed research project, the degree to which the candidate's expertise fits with his/her scientific program and the complementarity of the candidate’s skills and plans with the environment in which the research project will be carried out. Thus, applicants should highlight how their project will enrich the activities of potential host research group(s) (complementarity of knowledge or approaches to amplify a research focus). It is thus imperative that the candidate contact potential host laboratories prior to the submission of his/her application. We consider with interest candidates who risk a significant change in their research direction (in or out of their initial disciplinary field) or a significant change in their location, in connection with their application. Taking into account the previous professional experience of the candidate, we also evaluate her/his potential in terms of scientific autonomy and her/his ability to take initiatives and manage and train young researchers.

DR specific criteria

We expect that the DR candidate has a proven track record in terms of research group leadership, supervising young scientists, especially PhD students, and in initiating and conducting new research projects. For applicants who have already worked for several years in France, this may be demonstrated by obtaining the HDR (“Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”) degree, but this is not an official requirement and equivalent professional experience is sufficient. The international visibility and the scientific reputation of the candidate are also important criteria for the DR positions. In the rare cases of available DR1 (instead of DR2) positions, more demanding requirements in terms of scientific output, international recognition and management of research groups and projects will be applied.

Additional remarks: scientific contributions, other criteria…

As indicated above, there is no standard profile for recruitment nor a single evaluation checklist. All forms of research activities will be taken into account. These include (but are not limited to) the organization of workshops and conferences, involvement in national or international research institutions or scientific projects, development of technological platforms, data banks, or computing tools, risk taking in new scientific fields, etc.

Section 04 keywords:

  • Experimental physics in the laboratory and at large scale research facilities.

  • Theory, modeling, simulation and connection with experiments.

  • Interdisciplinarity and interfaces, societal applications.

  • Atoms, molecules, ions. Interactions between particles. Cold or trapped particles.

  • Metrology. Precision measurements and fundamental tests.

  • Quantum sciences and technologies. Quantum fluids. Quantum optics. Optomechanics.

  • Molecules and aggregates in gasphase, surface or condensed phase: Structure and properties.

  • Spectroscopy and Spectrometry. Applications in physical chemistry and databases.

  • Dynamical aspects: collisions, reactivity, relaxation, ultra-fast and multi-scale processes.

  • Hot plasmas. Waves, instabilities, chaos and turbulences. Magnetic and inertial confinem.ent, thermonuclear fusion.

  • Laser-plasma, plasma-particle and plasma-wall interactions. Secondary sources.

  • High energy densities, ultra-high intensities and strong field. Dense and warm material.

  • Coherent sources of light. Lasers. Nonlinear optics. Ultra-fast optics.

  • Optics in diffusing environment. Singular optics. Instabilities and turbulence.

  • Optics of materials. Plasmonics. Nano-optics. Bio-photonics.