2017 |
Le Marec, A., Larroche, O., & Klisnick, A. (2017). Linear autocorrelation of partially coherent extreme-ultraviolet lasers: a quantitative analysis. Optics Letters, 42(23), 4958–4961.
2016 |
Cojocaru, G. V., Ungureanu, R. G., Banici, R. A., Ursescu, D., Guilbaud, O., Delmas, O., Le Marec, A., Neveu, O., Demailly, J., Pittman, M., Kazamias, S., Daboussi, S., Cassou, K., Li, L., Klisnick, A., Zeitoun, P., & Ros, D. (2016). One long and two short pumping pulses control for plasma x-ray amplifier optimization. Optics Express, 24(13), 14260–14270.
Résumé: Development of efficient soft x-ray laser plasma amplifiers adapted to seeded operation, requires a better control over amplifier transverse spatial extent, brilliance control and gain lifetime. Here it is shown that pumping the plasma amplifier with one long and two short pump pulses (1L2S) provides advantages in terms of control for the specified parameters in the case of Ni-like Ag x-ray laser. Also, significant tunability of the gain lifetime in the 1L2S pumping scheme for Ne-like Ti x-ray laser is observed. Direct harmonics seeding and chirped harmonics seeding amplification approaches may benefit from the control of the gain lifetime, in terms of better use of the pump energy and as a way to reduce the amplified spontaneous emission in x-ray lasers. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America
Guilbaud, O., Kazamias, S., Cassou, K., Delmas, O., Demailly, J., Neveu, O., Ros, D., Baynard, E., Pittman, M., Shazad, M., Rossal, A., Tallents, G. J., Le Marec, A., Klisnick, A., Lu, L., Zeitoun, P., Cojocaru, G. V., Ungureanu, R. G., Banici, R. A., & Ursescu, D. (2016). Seeded Operation of a Ne-like Titanium Soft X-Ray Laser. In X-Ray Lasers 2014 (Vol. 169, pp. 61–67).
Résumé: Seeded operation of a Neon-like Titanium plasma-based soft x-ray laser is described. The plasma amplifier is pumped using a variation of the classical grazing incidence pumping technique, combining a long low energy pulse followed by a main short pulse. Because the preformed plasma is underionized, a part of the main short pulse energy is used to ionized it to the lasing stage. Consequences of this feature on seeded laser properties are discussed.
Klisnick, A., Le Marec, A., Bourassin-Bouchet, C., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, O., & Larroche, O. (2016). Characterization of Spectral and Temporal Properties of Plasma-Based XUV Laser Pulses. In 2016 Conference On Lasers And Electro-Optics (Cleo).
Klisnick, A., Le Marec, A., Meng, L., Larroche, O., Guilbaud, O., Kozlova, M., Nejdl, J., & Calisti, A. (2016). Spectral Properties of Collisional Xuv Lasers for the Amplification of Femtosecond Pulses. In X-Ray Lasers 2014 (Vol. 169, pp. 45–52).
Résumé: We discuss the role of the spectral properties of XUV lasers in the amplification of femtosecond pulses in two different regimes. We present an overview of our recent spectral characterization of the four types of collisionally-pumped systems, also including other measurements from the literature. This is used to assess the potential of the different types of XUV lasers to amplify femtosecond pulses, either in the adiabatic or in the dynamic regime.
Kozlova, M., Nejdl, J., Albrecht, M., Sebban, S., Gautier, J., Phuoc, K. T., Klisnick, A., Le Marec, A., & Tissandier, F. (2016). Overview of Development of Laser Driven Secondary Sources at PALS and ELI. In X-Ray Lasers 2014 (Vol. 169, pp. 35–43).
Résumé: In this paper we report on development of the secondary X-ray sources at the PALS Centre and discuss the plan for the ELI Beamlines project. The spatial and temporal coherence of the most energetic quasi-steady state Ne-like Zn X-ray laser, which is operated at PALS Centre as standard user beamline, was examined proving that amplification of coherent EUV pulses with duration below 1 ps will be possible. Meanwhile, the first transient lasing at PALS Center was achieved using 10 Hz Ti: Sapphire laser chain with peak power of 20 TW as a driver. Finally, we discuss the recent design of laser driven secondary sources generating short coherent or incoherent EUV/X-ray pulses within the ELI Beamlines project.
Le Marec, A., Guilbaud, O., Larroche, O., & Klisnick, A. (2016). Evidence of partial temporal coherence effects in the linear autocorrelation of extreme ultraviolet laser pulses. Optics Letters, 41(14), 3387–3390.
Résumé: We study how the degree of temporal coherence of plasma-based extreme ultraviolet lasers operated in the amplification of the spontaneous emission mode is encoded in the shape of the linear autocorrelation function, which is obtained from the variation of the fringe visibility while varying the delay in a variable path-difference interferometer. We discuss the implications of this effect when the technique is used to infer the spectral properties of the source. Our numerical simulations, based on a partial coherence model developed by other authors for x-ray free electron lasers, are in good agreement with previously reported sets of measurements, illustrating similar statistical properties for both sources. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America
Le Marec, A., Kozlova, M., Nejdl, J., Meng, L., Tissandier, F., Guilbaud, O., Calisti, A., & Klisnick, A. (2016). Spectral and Coherence Properties of the Ne-like Zn X-Ray Laser at PALS. In X-Ray Lasers 2014 (Vol. 169, pp. 339–343).
Résumé: We present a refined measurement of the temporal coherence of the zinc X-ray laser generated at PALS, using a wavefront-division interferometer. The corresponding bandwidth of the lasing line is shown (i) to be broader than those of other types of X-ray lasers, previously characterized with the same instrument, and (ii) is compatible with the amplification of subpicosecond pulses. Similar measurements were also performed for shorter amplification lengths and the small-signal gain was carefully characterized.
LeMarec, A., Larroche, O., Meng, L., & Klisnick, A. (2016). Temporal Response of Seeded XUV Lasers Under Different Amplification Regimes-Inversion Density Threshold. In X-Ray Lasers 2014 (Vol. 169, pp. 83–88).
Résumé: We present a simple model of amplification in XUV lasers which displays an inversion density threshold between a low-inversion, classical adiabatic regime and a high-inversion, dynamic regime involving Rabi oscillations. In the latter case, the small-signal gain is significantly smaller than the usually used adiabatic value, but the amplified pulse duration is no longer limited by the amplifier bandwidth. The dynamic regime can thus possibly lead to amplified femtosecond pulses.
Ursescu, D., Cojocaru, G., Ungureanu, R., Banici, R., Ionel, L., Simion, S., Dabu, R., Tummler, J., Jung, R., Stiel, H., Delmas, O., Pittman, M., Guilbaud, O., Kazamias, S., Cassou, K., Demailly, J., Neveu, O., Baynard, E., Ros, D., Le Marec, A., Daboussi, S., Lu, L., Klisnick, A., & Zeitoun, P. (2016). Transient Collisionally Excited X-ray Lasers Pumped with One Long and Two Short Pulses. In X-Ray Lasers 2014 (Vol. 169, pp. 53–59).
Résumé: X-ray laser simulations based on Ehybrid code have shown that enhanced plasma x-ray laser emission can be achieved mastering the ionization dynamics and plasma temperature using one long and two short pulses (Ursescu and Ionel, J Optoelectron Adv Mat 12: 48-51, 2010). In parallel, two simple methods to generate multiple short pulses for pumping x-ray lasers were reported in conjunction with x-ray laser developments. Five to ten fold enhancement in the emission of the silver x-ray laser was demonstrated using the newly developed pump methods, when compared with the traditional one, based on a long pulse followed by one short pump pulse. An overview of these recent experiments will be presented. The possible implementation of these novel x-ray laser pumping methods at Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics facility will be discussed.
2015 |
Guilbaud, O., Cojocaru, G. V., Li, L., Delmas, O., Ungureanu, R. G., Banici, R. A., Kazamias, S., Cassou, K., Neveu, O., Demailly, J., Baynard, E., Pittman, M., Le Marec, A., Klisnick, A., Zeitoun, P., Ursescu, D., & Ros, D. (2015). Gain dynamics in quickly ionized plasma for seeded operated soft x-ray lasers. Optics Letters, 40(20), 4775–4778.
Klisnick, A., & Menoni, C. S. (2015). X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications XI Introduction (Vol. 9589).
Le Marec A., K. M., Nejdl J., Tissandier F., Meng L., Guilbaud O., Calisti A., and Klisnick A. (2015). Measurement of a sub-picosecond coherence time in a quasi-steady state XUV laser. Phys. Rev. A, 92, 033852.
2014 |
Calisti, A., Ferri, S., Mosse, C., Talin, B., Klisnick, A., Meng, L., Benredjem, D., & Guilbaud, O. (2014). Study of Particle Correlation Effects on Line Profiles of Ni-Like Collisional XUV Laser Amplifier. In X-RAY LASERS 2012 (Vol. 147, pp. 49–53).
Résumé: We discuss the effects of particle correlations on the spectral broadening due to the radiator motion (Doppler broadening) for a Ni-like XUV laser line pumped in two different regimes (transient and quasi-steady state regimes) of collisional excitation. In a medium with gain, radiative transport effects modify the observed profile and these modifications depend on the homogeneous or inhomogeneous nature of the intrinsic profile (before amplification). The intrinsic line profile is usually described by a Voigt profile, which is the convolution of a Lorentzian profile due to the different homogeneous broadenings (electron collision-induced transitions and spontaneous emission) and an inhomogeneous Gaussian profile due to Doppler shifts (due to the radiator motion in the free-particle limit). In this paper, it is shown that accounting for the correlations between particles modifies noticeably the radiator-motion broadened profiles, whatever the densities and temperatures values.
Kozlova, M., Nejdl, J., Krus, M., Prokupek, J., Dostal, J., Rus, B., Klisnick, A., Meng, L., Tissandier, F., Stehle, C., Lefevre, R., Chaulagain, U., Champion, N., Barroso, P., Reix, F., Jagourel, P., Larour, J., Delmotte, F., Constancias, C., Suzuki-Vidal, F., & Acef, O. (2014). Characterization of Zn X-Ray Laser at PALS Centre, Its Applications in Dense Plasma Probing and Astrophysics. In X-RAY LASERS 2012 (Vol. 147, pp. 151–159).
Résumé: This report presents the results from experiments at PALS Centre using a Zn X-ray laser with the pulse length of 0.15 ns and the wavelength of 21.2 nm, working in single or double pass regime with the output energy of 0.4 mJ or 4 mJ per pulse, respectively. The current X-ray laser was experimentally examined to obtain its temporal coherence and spectral width using a path-difference interferometer. The double pass regime shows that QSS plasma based source-amplifier is promising for “short” fs soft X-ray pulses. The X-ray laser is commonly used for user's experiments. Its advantages can be shown in applications such as probing of dense plasmas (up to 2.5 x 10(24) cm(-3)) or single shot experiments (4 x 10(14) photons/pulse). The simple technique based on Talbot effect was used to obtain the gradients of electron densities of line plasmas produced under conditions corresponding to XRL's amplifiers operating in TCE and QSS regime. To investigate radiative shock wave in laboratory is challenging in aspects of the optimization of experimental parameters. Due to the high electron density (10(22) cm(-3)) produced in the gas medium propagated by the shock wave, the velocity of the shock wave, and the absorption losses on optical elements, it is necessary to use the energetic single shot probe.
Meng, L., Calisti, A., Ferri, S., Mosse, C., Talin, B., Benredjem, D., Guilbaud, O., & Klisnick, A. (2014). Spectral Broadening of Ni-Like XUV Laser Lines. In X-RAY LASERS 2012 (Vol. 147, pp. 181–184).
Résumé: We have used the PPP lineshape code to calculate the intrinsic (i.e. before amplification) line profile of the Mo XUV laser over an extended range of plasma densities and temperatures, chosen to cover conditions for collisional excitation pumping in the transient and quasi-steady state regimes. The calculated profiles were then used to simulate the amplified line profile, using a detailed 1D-radiative transfer code, taking into account the effect of saturation. We discuss the possibility to achieve a gain bandwidth that would support pulse amplification below 1 ps.
Meng, L., Klisnick, A., Kozlova, M., Bohacek, K., Krus, M., Prokupek, J., Urbanski, L., Marconi, M. C., Berrill, M., Rocca, J. J., Guilbaud, O., Tissandier, F., Sebban, S., Zeitoun, P., Calisti, A., Ferri, S., Mosse, C., & Talin, B. (2014). Temporal Coherence and Spectral Linewidth of Neon-Like XUV Lasers Pumped in the Quasi-steady State Regime. In X-RAY LASERS 2012 (Vol. 147, pp. 175–180).
Résumé: We report recent experimental progress in the characterization of the temporal coherence and related spectral linewidth of plasma-based soft X-ray lasers (SXRL). New measurements were carried out with two types of SXRLs pumped in the quasi-steady state (QSS) regime, in a capillary-discharge plasma and in a laser-produced plasma. We describe the main results obtained from both experiments and compare them to dedicated numerical simulations. We discuss the results in the context of the possibility to achieve XUV lasers with pulse duration below 1 picosecond.
Tissandier, F., Sebban, S., Kozlova, M., Gautier, J., Zeitoun, P., Klisnick, A., & Maynard, G. (2014). High Density Optical-Field-Ionization Soft X-Ray Lasers. In X-RAY LASERS 2012 (Vol. 147, pp. 243–255).
Résumé: Generating an optical-field-ionization (OFI) collisional soft X-ray laser amplifier in a high density plasma would allow a significant increase of the saturation intensity, laser gain, and reduction of the emitted pulse duration. Due to strong refraction of the pump infrared beam in the plasma, guiding techniques have to be implemented. Using an optically preformed plasma waveguide, we successfully achieved guiding of J-energy pulses in a near-critical density krypton plasma with 50 % total transmission over 5 to 10 mm. X-ray lasing at 32.8 nm has also been demonstrated. This technique is a step towards OFI recombination soft X-ray lasers. This pumping scheme requires the production of a cold and dense plasma. We propose to pump a high density neon VIII plasma by a frequency doubled intense Ti:Sa laser. Guiding of the 405 nm pump pulse has already been achieved at LOA.
Urbanski, L., Marconi, M. C., Meng, L. M., Berrill, M., Guilbaud, O., Klisnick, A., & Rocca, J. J. (2014). Spectral Linewidth Measurement of a Ne-Like Ar Capillary Discharge Soft X-Ray Laser. In X-RAY LASERS 2012 (Vol. 147, pp. 257–261).
Résumé: We report on the measurement of spectral linewidth of a Ne-like Ar tabletop capillary discharge laser. The linewidth was measured as a function of the gain medium length. Due to inhomogeneous character of the linewidth, saturation rebroadening is expected. However no such behavior was observed while the amplifier length was extended beyond saturation. This situation is compared with a numerical model, identifying that even a small amount of collisional broadening effectively homogenizes the line profile.
2013 |
Calisti A., F. S., Mossé C., Talin B., Klisnick A., Meng L., Benredjem D., Guilbaud O. (2013). Line Profiles of Ni-like Collisional XUV Laser Amplifiers: Particle Correlation Effects. HEDP, 9(3), 516–522.
Klisnick, A., & Menoni, C. S. (2013). X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications X Introduction (Vol. 8849).
Klisnick, A., Meng, L. M., Le Marec, A., & Larroche, O. (2013). Modeling and numerical simulations of seeded XUV lasers with the COLAX code: recent progress. In X-Ray Lasers And Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development And Applications X (Vol. 8849).
Kozlova, M., Nejdl, J., Klisnick, A., Le Marec, A., Meng, L., Tissandier, F., Fok, T., Wegrzynski, L., Bartnik, A., Wachulak, P., Jarocki, R., & Fiedorowicz, H. (2013). Development and applications of X-ray lasers at PALS Centre. In X-Ray Lasers And Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development And Applications X (Vol. 8849).
Kuehl, T., Aurand, B., Bagnoud, V., Ecker, B., Eisenbarth, U., Hochhaus, D., Neumayer, P., Zhao, H. Y., Zielbauer, B., Zimmer, D., Habib, J., Kazamias, S., Klisnick, A., Ros, D., Seres, J., Spielmann, C., & Ursescu, D. (2013). Laser Driven Secondary Sources For Spectroscopy, Plasma Diagnostics And Other Applications. In Modern Trends In Physics Research (pp. 179–181).
Larroche O., K. A. (2013). Two-dimensional Maxwell-Bloch simulation of ultrashort pulse amplification in a swept-gain soft X-ray laser. In X-RAY LASERS 2012 (Vol. 147).
Larroche, O., & Klisnick, A. (2013). Two-dimensional Maxwell-Bloch simulation of quasi-π-pulse amplification in a seeded XUV laser. Phys. Rev. A, 88(3), 033815.
Résumé: The amplification of high-order-harmonics (HOH) seed pulses in a swept-gain XUV laser is investigated through numerical simulations of the full set of Bloch and two-dimensional paraxial propagation equations with our code colax. The needed atomic data are taken from a hydrodynamics and collisional-radiative simulation in the case of a Ni-like Ag plasma created from the interaction of an infrared laser with a solid target and pumped in the transient regime. We show that the interplay of strong population inversion and diffraction or refraction due to the short transverse dimensions and steep density gradient of the active plasma can lead to the amplification of an intense, ultrashort, quasi-“π” pulse triggered by the incoming seed. By properly tuning the system geometry and HOH pulse parameters, we show that an ≃10 fs, 8×1012 W/cm2 amplified pulse can be achieved in a 3-mm-long Ni-like Ag plasma, with a factor of ≳10 intensity contrast with respect to the longer-lasting wake radiation and amplified spontaneous emission.
Larroche, O., Meng, L., Le Marec, A., & Klisnick, A. (2013). Inversion density threshold for Rabi oscillations and modified small-signal gain in extreme-ultraviolet lasers. OPTICS LETTERS, 38(14), 2505–2508.
Résumé: An expression is proposed for a threshold discriminating between classical quasi-steady-state amplification and a strong pumping regime where a new dynamic behavior shows up in plasma-based extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) lasers. The criterion derived is applied to laser systems currently investigated in various laboratories. It is found that only high-gain XUV laser systems can be driven in that dynamic regime, associated with Rabi oscillations. For those systems, the small-signal dynamic gain accounting for the exponential amplification of the laser intensity is shown to be significantly smaller than the adiabatic value usually inferred from numerical simulations. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America
Sebban, S., Zeitoun, P., & Klisnick, A. (2013). Breakthroughs in Photonics 2012: New Advances in Soft X-Ray Lasers and Applications. IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, 5(2), 0700204.
Résumé: This paper reviews the major accomplishments in the development of plasma-based soft X-ray lasers and their applications in 2012. Significant experimental breakthroughs include the extension of the lasing range down to 1.5 nm in an X-FEL photoionized plasma and the 100-Hz operation of a 18.9-nm laser with a record average power of 0.15 mW. New fields of applications, exploiting the high-brightness, coherence, and compactness of the source, were demonstrated. Further breakthroughs toward higher peak power are anticipated from numerical simulations of injection-seeded soft X-ray lasers.
2012 |
Klisnick, A. (2012). Plasma-based XUV lasers. In SHORT-WAVELENGTH IMAGING AND SPECTROSCOPY SOURCES (SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING ed., Vol. 8678, 867803). Proceedings of SPIE, 8678.
Résumé: This lecture is an introduction to the generation of plasma-based XUV lasers and their use as a source for scientific applications. We first discuss the main conditions required to create population inversions and amplify XUV radiation. We give an overview of the main properties of the different types of XUV lasers beams that are currently operational worldwide, while comparing them to other ultrashort, high-brightness sources existing in the same spectral range. We discuss recent demonstrations of applications of plasma-based XUV lasers to high-resolution imaging and interaction with matter at high intensity. Finally we conclude with current prospects for extending these sources to shorter wavelength and higher output intensity.
Meng, L., Bourgaux, A. - C., Bastiani-Ceccotti, S., Guilbaud, O., Pittman, M., Kazamias, S., Cassou, K., Daboussi, S., Ros, D., & Klisnick, A. (2012). Temporal characterization of a picosecond extreme ultraviolet laser pumped in grazing incidence. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101(14), 141125.
Résumé: We report an experimental study of the temporal duration of a transient pumping extreme ultraviolet (XUV) laser emitted at 18.9 nm, using an ultrafast x-ray streak camera. We have investigated the shot-to-shot reproducibility of the pulse duration, as well as its behaviour as a function of several pumping parameters. Our results show that the pulse duration increases slowly with the pump pulse duration, in agreement with previous observations performed in a different geometry. The angle of the pump laser relative to the target surface also affects the XUV laser duration in a measurable way. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4757878]
Urbanski, L., Marconi, M. C., Meng, L. M., Berrill, M., Guilbaud, O., Klisnick, A., & Rocca, J. J. (2012). Spectral linewidth of a Ne-like Ar capillary discharge soft-x-ray laser and its dependence on amplification beyond gain saturation. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 85(3), 033837.
Résumé: We report the measurement of the linewidth and temporal coherence of a lambda=46.9 nm neon-like argon capillary discharge soft-x-ray laser and its variation with plasma column length. A wave-front-division interferometer was used to resolve the 3p S-1(0)-3s P-1(1) laser line, resulting in measured relative linewidths of Delta lambda/lambda = (3-4) x 10(-5). The measurements do not observe saturation rebroadening when this clearly dominantly Doppler-broadened inhomogeneous line is amplified beyond the intensity corresponding to gain saturation. Model simulations indicate this is the result of a comparatively small collisional broadening that sufficiently homogenizes the line profile to practically eliminate inhomogeneous saturation rebroadening. Collisional redistribution is computed to play only a very minor role in homogenizing the line profile.
2011 |
A. Klisnick, O. G., J-P Goddet, et al. (2011). Temporal Coherence and Spectral Linewidth of seeded and ASE XUV lasers. In X-RAY LASERS 2010 (Vol. 136, pp. 101–110). Springer.
Alessi, D., Meng, L. M., Wang, Y., Guilbaud, O., Berrill, M., Domingue, S. R., Martz, D. H., Luther, B. M., Joyeux, D., De Rossi, S., Klisnick, A., & Rocca, J. J. (2011). Spectral Linewidth Measurement of an Injection-Seeded Transient 18.9 nm Soft X-Ray Laser. In 2011 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO). IEEE.
Résumé: The linewidth of an injection-seeded 18.9nm molybdenum soft x-ray laser (SXRL) was measured to be significantly wider than seeded optical field ionization SXRLs that use gaseous targets, an advantage for the development of sub-picosecond SXRLs.
Klisnick, A., Meng, L. M., Alessi, D., Guilbaud, O., Wang, Y., Berrill, M., Luther, B., Calisti, A., Benredjem, D., Ferri, S., Mosse, C., de Rossi, S., Joyeux, D., & Rocca, J. J. (2011). Spectral width of seeded and ASE XUV lasers: experiment and numerical simulations. In X-RAY LASERS AND COHERENT X-RAY SOURCES: DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS IX (Vol. 8140, 814006). 8140.
Résumé: We describe our recent progress in the investigation of the spectral properties of collisional XUV lasers, including both experimental measurements and numerical calculations. Using a wavefront-division, variable path-difference interferometer, we have characterized the temporal coherence and the spectral width of an injection-seeded transient XUV laser emitted at 18.9 nm from a Ni-like Mo plasma. Our results show that the temporal coherence of the beam is significantly increased by the injection-seeded operation, compared to the standard ASE mode, in agreement with detailed numerical simulations. Using the PPP code we have calculated the intrinsic linewidth of the same lasing line over a range of electron density and at temperatures that are relevant to transient collisional pumping. We discuss the relative contributions of homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening to the overall profile.
Meng, L., Bourgaux, A. - C., Bastiani-Ceccotti, S., Guilbaud, O., Pittman, M., Kazamias, S., Cassou, K., Daboussi, S., Ros, D., & Klisnick, A. (2011). Characterization of the temporal duration of the XUV laser pulse at the LASERIX facility. In X-RAY LASERS AND COHERENT X-RAY SOURCES: DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS IX (Vol. 8140, 81401A). 8140.
Résumé: We report recent experimental measurements of the duration of a Ni-like Mo transient XUV laser emitted at 18.9 nm and generated under GRIP geometry at the LASERIX facility. These measurements have been performed using an ultra-fast X-ray streak camera (AXIS Photonique). A new trigger line was implemented, yielding a shot-to-shot jitter of less than 10 ps. The KBr photocathode of the streak camera was positioned close to the plane of the magnified near-field image of the XUV laser emitting aperture. Saturation in the streak camera was avoided by carefully adjusting the signal level of the focused image. The sweep speed was calibrated in-situ by generating a double-pulse XUV laser. Finally the temporal resolution of the instrument was measured directly with a femtosecond, high-order harmonic pulse. XUV laser pulse durations as short as 2.8 ps were measured for a 20 degrees GRIP angle and a 0.75 ps GRIP pulse duration. We present and discuss our study of the effect of these two parameters on the measured pulse duration.
Meng, L. M., Alessi, D., Guilbaud, O., Wang, Y., Berrill, M., Luther, B. M., Domingue, S. R., Martz, D. H., Joyeux, D., De Rossi, S., Rocca, J. J., & Klisnick, A. (2011). Temporal coherence and spectral linewidth of an injection-seeded transient collisional soft x-ray laser. OPTICS EXPRESS, 19(13), 12087–12092.
Résumé: The temporal coherence of an injection-seeded transient 18.9 nm molybdenum soft x-ray laser was measured using a wavefront division interferometer and compared to model simulations. The seeded laser is found to have a coherence time similar to that of the unseeded amplifier, similar to 1ps, but a significantly larger degree of temporal coherence. The measured coherence time for the unseeded amplifier is only a small fraction of the pulsewidth, while in the case of the seeded laser it approaches full temporal coherence. The measurements confirm that the bandwidth of the solid target amplifiers is significantly wider than that of soft x-ray lasers that use gaseous targets, an advantage for the development of sub-picosecond soft x-ray lasers. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
Ros, D., & Cassou K, C. B., et al. (2011). LASERIX : an open facility for developments of EUV and soft X-ray lasers and applications. In X-RAY LASERS 2010 (Vol. 136, pp. 39–46). Springer.
Ros, D., Cassou, K., Cros, B., Daboussi, S., Demailly, J., Guilbaud, A., Kazamias, S., Lagron, J. - C., Maynard, G., Neveu, O., Pittman, M., Zielbauer, B., Zimmer, D., Kuhl, T., Lacombe, S., Porcel, E., du Penhoat, M. - A., Zeitoun, P., & Mourou, G. (2011). LASERIX: An open facility for developments of EUV and soft X-ray lasers and applications-Developments of XUV sources using high power laser facilities: ILE, ELI. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 653(1), 76–79.
Résumé: LASERIX is a high-power laser facility leading to High-repetition-rate XUV laser pumped by Titanium:Sapphire laser. The aim of this laser facility is to offer Soft XRLs in the 30-7 nm range and auxiliary IR beam, which could also be used to produce synchronized XUV sources. In this contribution, the main results concerning both the development of XUV sources and their use for applications (irradiation of DNA samples) are presented, as well the present status and some perspectives for LASERIX. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ros, D., Guilbaud, O., Kazamias, S., Pittman, M., Cassou, K., Daboussi, S., Neveu, O., Demailly, J., Cros, B., Maynard, G., Zielbauer, B., Zimmer, D., Kuehl, T., Lacombe, S., Klisnick, A., Bastiani-Ceccoti, S., Tallents, G. J., Wagenaars, E., Wilson, L., & Zeitoun, P. (2011). Stable and long-time operation of a soft X-ray laser for user applications experiments. In X-RAY LASERS AND COHERENT X-RAY SOURCES: DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS IX (Vol. 8140, 81400E). Proceedings of SPIE, 8140.
Résumé: LASERIX is a high-power laser facility leading to High-repetition-rate XUV laser pumped by Titanium: Sapphire laser. The aim of this laser facility is to offer Soft XRLs in the 30-7 nm range and auxiliary IR beam that could also be used to produce synchronized XUV sources. This experimental configuration highly enhances the scientific opportunities of the facility, giving thus the opportunity to realize both X-ray laser experiments and more generally pump/probe experiments, mixing IR and XUV sources. In this contribution, the main results concerning both the development of XUV sources(X-Ray lasers and HHG sources) and their use for applications are presented.
S. Sebban, F. T., J-P Goddet, O. Guilabud, et al. (2011). Characterization of a Seeded Optical-Field Ionized Collisional Soft X-Ray Laser. In X-RAY LASERS 2010 (Vol. 136, pp. 127–136). Springer.
Sebban, S., Tissandier, F., Gautier, J., Kozlova, M., Goddet, J. P., Guilbaud, O., Zeitoun, P., Ribiere, M., Jacquemot, S., Lambert, G., Maynard, G., Robillard, B., Klisnick, A., Mocek, T., & Nejdl, J. (2011). Advances in laser driven soft x-ray lasers at LOA. In X-RAY LASERS AND COHERENT X-RAY SOURCES: DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS IX (Vol. 8140, 814005). Proceedings of SPIE, 8140.
Résumé: We report spatial and spectral characterization an optical-field-ionized high-order harmonic-seeded soft-x-ray laser. We show that it can be controlled between a regular Gaussian shape and a Bessel profile exhibiting several rings via the IR laser pump intensity. The temporal coherence and spectral linewidth of both the seeded and unseeded soft-x-ray lasers were experimentally measured using a varying path difference interferometer. It showed that the high-order harmonic is subject to a strong spectral narrowing during its propagation in the plasma amplifier without rebroadening at saturation. Also, we present a new method to generate ultra-short x-ray laser pulses by using the laser-driven betatron source to photo-pump inner-shell transitions.
Urbanski, L., Meng, L. M., Marconi, M. C., Berrill, M., Guilbaud, O., Klisnick, A., & Rocca, J. J. (2011). Line width measurement of a capillary discharge soft X-ray laser. In X-RAY LASERS AND COHERENT X-RAY SOURCES: DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS IX (Vol. 8140, 81400Y). Proceedings of SPIE, 8140.
Résumé: We measured the linewidth of a lambda = 46.9 nm neon-like argon capillary discharge soft x-ray laser. A wavefront division interferometer based on a pair of dihedrons was used to resolve the laser line measuring the variation in the interference fringe visibility for different optical path differences. We measured a relative linewidths of Delta lambda/lambda = 3-4 10(-5). No significant re-broadening was observed when the length of the laser medium was increased beyond the saturation length due to effects that homogenizes the line profile.
2010 |
A. Klisnick. (2010). 50 ans du laser : Le laser aux extrémités du spectre : le laser X. Photoniques, 46, 52.
Alessi, D., Berrill, M., Wang, Y., Domingue, S. R., Martz, D., Luther, B. M., Meng, L., Guilbaud, O., Klisnick, A., & Rocca, J. J. (2010). Beam Characteristics of an Injection-Seeded Solid-Target Plasma Soft X-Ray Laser. In 2010 23RD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE IEEE PHOTONICS SOCIETY (pp. 341–342). IEEE.
Résumé: We have measured the near-field and far-field profiles (for lambda=13.9 nm) as well as temporal coherence (for lambda=18.9 nm) of injection-seeded and self-seeded solid-target amplifiers. The measurements were compared with model simulations.
Guilbaud, O., Tissandier, F., Goddet, J. - P., Ribiere, M., Sebban, S., Gautier, J., Joyeux, D., Ros, D., Cassou, K., Kazamias, S., Klisnick, A., Habib, J., Zeitoun, P., Benredjem, D., Mocek, T., Nedjl, J., de Rossi, S., Maynard, G., Cros, B., Boudaa, A., & Calisti, A. (2010). Fourier-limited seeded soft x-ray laser pulse. OPTICS LETTERS, 35(9), 1326–1328.
Résumé: We present what we believe to be the first measurement of the spectral properties of a soft x-ray laser seeded by a high-order harmonic beam. Using an interferometric method, the spectral profile of a seeded Ni-like krypton soft x-ray laser (32.8 nm) generated by optical field ionization has been experimentally determined, and the shortest possible pulse duration has been deduced. The source exhibits a Voigt spectral profile with an FWHM of 3.1+/-0.3 m angstrom, leading to a Fourier-transform pulse duration of 4.7 ps. This value is comparable with the upper limit of the soft x-ray pulse duration determined by experimentally investigating the gain dynamics, from which we conclude that the source has reached the Fourier limit. The measured bandwidth is in good agreement with the predictions of a radiative transfer code, including gain line narrowing and saturation rebroadening. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Ros, D., Guilbaud, O., Kazamias, S., Pittmana, M., Lagron, J. - C., Zielbauer, B., Habib, J., Chambaret, J. - P., Mourou, G., Cassou, K., Cros, B., Maynard, G., Zeitoun, P., Sebban, S., Gautier, J., Klisnick, A., de Rossi, S., Jacquemot, S., Audebert, P., Zimmer, S. P. D., & Kuehl, T. (2010). LASERIX : a high-repetition-rate laser facility for performing intense XUV sources for applications. Perspectives for XUV sources in ILE and ELI projects. In LIGHT AT EXTREME INTENSITIES: OPPORTUNITIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL ISSUES OF THE EXTREME LIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE (Vol. 1228, pp. 421–434). AIP Conference Proceedings, 1228.
Résumé: In this paper we present the perspectives of the development of the XUV laser sources using High-power laser facilities. We focus our paper on the present statuts of the LASERIX facility and especially its role in the development of the XUV laser sources considering the French “Institut de la Lumiere Extreme” (I LE) and the potential European project Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI). Finally, we present one typical experiment performed in that context with the facility. It is dedicated to the fundamental study irradiation induced damage in DNA samples.
Tissandier, F., Sebban, S., Ribiere, M., Gautier, J., Zeitoun, P., Lambert, G., Sardinha, A. B., Goddet, J. - P., Burgy, F., Lefrou, T., Valentin, C., Rousse, A., Guilbaud, O., Klisnick, A., Nejdl, J., Mocek, T., & Maynard, G. (2010). Observation of spectral gain narrowing in a high-order harmonic seeded soft-x-ray amplifier. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 81(6), 063833.
Résumé: We report an observation of spectral gain narrowing of a high-order harmonic amplified by a soft-x-ray optical-field-ionized plasma. The temporal coherence and spectral linewidth of both the seeded and unseeded soft-x-ray lasers were experimentally measured using a varying-path-difference interferometer. The results showed that the high-order harmonic is subject to a strong spectral narrowing during its propagation in the plasma amplifier without rebroadening at saturation. This is in good agreement with a radiative transfer calculation including gain narrowing and saturation rebroadening.
2009 |
Goddet, J. P., Sebban, S., Guilbaud, O., Gautier, J., Zeitoun, P., Valentin, C., Tissandier, F., Marchenko, T., Lambert, G., Nejdl, J., Cros, B., Maynard, G., Robillard, B., Kazamias, S., Cassou, K., Klisnick, A., Ros, D., Benredjem, J., Mocek, T., Kozlova, M., & Jakubczak, K. (2009). Characterization of a Seeded Optical-Field Ionized Collisional Soft X-Ray Laser. In X-RAY LASERS 2008 (Vol. 130, pp. 135–142). Springer Proceedings in Physics, 130.
Résumé: By seeding ail optical-field-ionized population inverted plasma amplifier with the 25th harmonic of an infrared laser we have produced a compact, diffraction-limited and Fourier-limited laser beam in the soft x-ray spectral range. This laser beam is emitted within a cone of 0.7 mrad at a repetition rate of 10 Hz at a central wavelength of 32.8 nm, The beam exhibits a regular Gaussian spatial profile, and wavefront distortions smaller than lambda/17. The measured coherence time of 5.5 ps is equal to the duration of the lifetime of the amplifying plasma which shows that this source has reached the Fourier limit.
Guilbaud, O., Goddet, J. P., Sebban, S., Joyeux, D., Ros, D., Gautier, J., Cassou, K., Kazamias, S., Klisnick, A., Habib, J., Zeitoun, P., Benredjem, D., de Rossi, S., Maynard, G., Cros, B., Boudaa, A., Phalippou, D., & Calisti, A. (2009). Temporal Coherence and Spectral Linewidth of a Seeded Soft X-Ray Laser Pulse. In X-RAY LASERS 2008 (Vol. 130, pp. 193–198). Springer Proceedings in Physics, 130.
Résumé: We present in this paper the first measurement of the spectral profile of a seeded soft x-ray laser. Using a varying path difference interferometer the temporal coherence of a seeded OFI x-ray laser has been experimentally determined, leading to a coherence length of 5ps of the order of the gain lifetime. The measured bandwidth is of order 3.4 m angstrom which is in good agreement with the prediction of a theoretical model presented here.
Habib, J., Klisnick, A., Guilbaud, O., Joyeux, D., Zielbauer, B., Kazamias, S., Ros, D., de Dortan, F., & Pittman, M. (2009). Temporal Coherence and Spectral Line Shape of a GRIP Transient X-Ray Laser. In X-RAY LASERS 2008 (Vol. 130, pp. 115–121).
Résumé: We have used a variable path-difference, wavefront-division interferometer to measure the temporal coherence of an unseeded Ni-like Mo GRIP X-ray laser. This quantity is inversely related to its spectral linewidth. We have investigated the role of several pump parameters on the inferred spectral width. Along this experiment, particular attention has been paid on the source stability.
Klisnick, A., Larroche, O., De Dortan, F., Habib, J., Guilbaud, O., Kazamias, S., Ros, D., & Zielbauer, B. (2009). Recent Developments on Seeded or Unseeded Transient X-Ray Lasers. In X-RAY LASERS 2008 (Vol. 130, pp. 221–229).
Résumé: The COLAX code was used to investigate the role of several parameters oil the spatial and temporal behaviour of the output pulse of a transient X-ray laser seeded by a harmonic pulse. The importance of the collisional linewidth oil the duration of the output pulse is underlined.
Margarone, D., Kozlova, M., Nejdl, J., Rus, B., Mocek, T., Homer, P., Polan, J., Stupka, M., Jamelot, G., Cassou, K., Kazamias, S., Klisnick, A., Ros, D., Bercegol, H., Danson, C., & Hawkes, S. (2009). Laser-induced damage studies in optical elements using X-ray laser interferometric microscopy. In DAMAGE TO VUV (Vol. 7361, 73610N). Proceedings of SPIE, 7361.
Résumé: Results of a novel X-ray laser application, aimed at understanding the microscopic effects involved in formation of laser-induced damage in optical materials exposed to sub-ns laser pulses, will be presented. Specifically, we studied thin plane beamsplitters that are presently the weakest element of the next generation of high-energy lasers (LMJ, NIF), with permanent damage threshold below 20 J/cm(2). Standard fused silica substrates and a model system, containing well-defined micron grooves as seeding sites to trigger damage when irradiated by 438 nm laser pulses, were in situ probed by a neon-like zinc X-ray laser delivering up to 10 mJ at 21.2 nm. The probing beamline employed a double Lloyd's mirror interferometer, used in conjunction with an imaging mirror to provide magnification of similar to 8. In conjunction with an array of in-situ optical diagnostics, one of the questions addressed was whether the damage (transient or permanent) on the rear surface of the beamsplitter occurs during or after the laser pulse, i.e. whether it is due to local electrical fields or to other processes. Another issue, examined by both the X-ray interferometric microscopy and the optical diagnostics, is whether a local rear-surface modification is associated with non-linear effects (self-focusing, filamentation) of the laser beam in the bulk.
Ros, D., Kazamias, S., Guilbaud, O., Habib, J., Zielbauer, B., Pittman, M., Jamelot, G., Klisnick, A., Lagron, J. - C., Joyeux, D., de Rossi, S., Delmotte, F., Lacombe, S., Porcel, E., Lesech, C., Penhoat, A. M., & Touati, A. (2009). Recent Advances on LASERIX Facility: Development of XUV Sources System and Applications. Perspectives from 2008 to 2010. In X-RAY LASERS 2008 (Vol. 130, pp. 13–22).
Résumé: LASERIX is a high-power laser facility leading to High-repetition-rate XUV laser pumped by Titanium:Sapphire laser. The aim of this laser facility is to offer Soft XRLs in the 30-7 nm range and auxiliary IR beam that could also be used to produce synchronized XUV sources. This experimental configuration highly enhances the scientific opportunities of the facility, giving thus the opportunity to realize both X-ray laser experiments and more generally pump/probe experiments, mixing IR and XUV sources. In this contribution, the main results concerning both the development of XUV sources (in the seeded or ASE mode) and their use for applications (irradiation of DNA samples) are presented.
2008 |
Goddet, J. - P., Sebban, S., Guilbaud, O., Maynard, G., Cros, B., Gautier, J., Zeitoun, P., Valentin, C., Tissandier, F., Marchenko, T., Lambert, G., Benredjem, D., Boudaa, A., Klisnick, A., Ros, D., Kazamias, S., Cassou, K., Habib, J., Jamelot, G., Lagron, J. - C., Joyeux, D., De Rossi, S., Phalippou, D., Delmotte, F., Ravet, M. F., Calisti, A., Mocek, T., Kozlova, M., & Jakubczak, K. (2008). Spatio-temporal characterization of an injected XUV laser. In UVX 2008: 9E COLLOQUE SUR LES SOURCES COHERENTES ET INCOHERENTES UV (pp. 51–56).
Guilbaud, O., Ros, D., Kazamias, S., Zielbauer, B., Habib, J., Pittman, M., Cassou, K., Ple, F., Farinet, M., Klisnick, A., de Dortan, F., Lacombe, S., Porcel, E., Le Sech, C., du Penhoat, M. - A., Touati, A., Marsi, M., Fajardo, M., Zeitoun, P., & Joyeux, D. (2008). LASERIX: first record from the plant. In UVX 2008: 9E COLLOQUE SUR LES SOURCES COHERENTES ET INCOHERENTES UV (pp. 57–63).
Habib, J., Klisnick, A., Guilbaud, O., Joyeux, D., Zielbauer, B., Kazamias, S., Pittman, M., Ros, D., & de Dortan, F. (2008). Temporal coherence and spectral linewidth of XUV transitory lasers pumped in grazing incidence. In UVX 2008: 9E COLLOQUE SUR LES SOURCES COHERENTES ET INCOHERENTES UV (pp. 157–161).
Kazamias, S., Cassou, K., Ros, D., Ple, F., Jamelot, G., Klisnick, A., Lundh, O., Lindau, F., Persson, A., Wahlstroem, C. - G., de Rossi, S., Joyeux, D., Zielbauer, B., Ursescu, D., & Kuehl, T. (2008). Characterization of a transient collisional Ni-like molybdenum soft-x-ray laser pumped in grazing incidence. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 77(3), 033812.
Résumé: We present experimental results from an extensive investigation of a Ni-like Mo x-ray laser pumped in the transient regime and GRIP configuration (GRazing Incidence Pumping). The pump laser is a 10 Hz, 1 J, Ti: sapphire laser system. The main diagnostic is a monochromatic near-field imaging system with a 1.7 micron spatial resolution that shows the soft-x-ray laser source size and position relative to the target surface. Changes of those characteristics are observed for different GRIP angles, varied between 15 and 21, while keeping all other parameters constant. Intense lasing is observed routinely at 18.9 nm with up to 3 microjoule output energy and stable operation is demonstrated at 10 Hz. We have investigated the role of several pumping parameters, in particular, the relative energy and delay between the long and short pulse. We show that this multiparameter scan leads to a well-defined optimal regime of operation and better understanding of the GRIP configuration. Finally, as the GRIP scheme requires careful tailoring of the plasma conditions to the specific soft-x-ray laser under investigation, we add a prepulse before the plasma producing long pulse to generate large-scale preplasmas. This increases the brightness of the soft-x-ray beam and leads to an almost Gaussian near-field spatial profile.