Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



mercredi 18 septembre

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mercredi 24 juillet

Accueil > Séminaires > Année 2022 > Séminaire de Clément Lauzin (31 mai)

Séminaire de Clément Lauzin (31 mai)

Institut de la matière condensée et des nanosciences, Université catholique de Louvain

par Martrenchard-Barra Séverine - 13 avril 2022 (modifié le 24 mai 2022)

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High-resolution spectroscopy to study isolated molecules and the condensation at the molecular scale.

This talk will be divided in three parts. In the first, I will present our efforts to build an instrument working at cryogenic temperatures to perform high-resolution spectroscopic measurements on isolated and “complex” molecules in the overtone range. The set-up currently combines a buffer gas cooling chamber and a cavity ringdown/enhanced spectrometer (CRDS-CEAS).
In a second time, I will present our works concerning water containing van der Waals complexes probed using either the CW-CRDS for neutral complexes. The focus will be given to H2O-CO2 and our efforts in producing larger mass-selected aggregates.
Finally, I will present measurements we performed to characterize the lifetime of water droplets in air using a new method based on Mie scattering measurements. This last study was motivated by articles published in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and led us to explore the field of mass photometry.